
What is the EU energy platform?

The EU Energy Platform, including its AggregateEU mechanism, plays a key role in pooling gas demand, coordinating infrastructure use, negotiating with international partners and preparing for joint gas and hydrogen purchases. The short video explains more and is available to view or download with subtitles in 22 EU languages.

What is the EU energy platform ad hoc steering board?

They have been doing so through the EU Energy Platform ad hoc Steering Board, the Regional Groups and an Industry Advisory Group. The ad hoc Steering Board consists of representatives of the Commission, all EU countries and representatives of the Energy Community Contracting Parties.

Where are Tension Leg Platforms (TLPs) installed?

Tension Leg Platforms (TLPs) are the third most popular Floating Production System, with 28 currently in operation. About two-thirds of these units are installed in the Gulf of Mexico, with others located off Africa, Brazil, in the North Sea, and offshore Southeast Asia.

What is a granular platform?

The fundamental mechanism employed in providing support to plant and vehicles with a granular platform is the same as that for any other pavement structure. The platform is constructed using material that is stronger than the formation and is intended to reduce the ground pressure imposed on the underlying formation to an acceptable level.

How do I contact EU-energy-platform?

Please write to the following address in order to seek further guidance: [email protected] 5 short-term tendering rounds have been organised since April 2023, covering 25 delivery points and 2 LNG virtual points (North-West, and South-East).

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