Permanent magnet disk generator with coreless windings
Purpose – This article seeks to present the simple and easy to manufacture design of a permanent magnet generator based on coreless windings. An example is shown of basic calculations based on an equivalent magnetic circuit. Finally, a description of a 20 kW prototype of PMSG is presented based on rectangular magnets which contains mechanical …
Generator Land: Hard Disk/Drive Serial Number Generator
Generatorland is completely free and supported only through the advertising you see sprinkled throughout the site. As such, to keep the site hosted and maintained we need more wonderful people like you to come visit, register, make cool stuff and share it.That not only keeps the site free but it produces a ton of awesome stuff for you to enjoy.
Useful options:-F and -t set the total number of threads to use. Mutually exclusive with -t-d modifies the duration of the test (default is 10 seconds)-Sh opens files with O_DIRECT and O_SYNC flags, ensuring no caching is done in the OS.Note that all I/O must be aligned to the underlying device''s physical sector size for this option to work.
Rotary disk multi-phase freestanding-electret generator with enhanced ...
Energy harvesters with higher power and direct-current (DC) output are of great significance for the energy supply of electronic devices. Here, we demonstrate rotary disk multi-phase freestanding-electret generators (MFEGs) with enhanced output power and low ripple output via a novel design. This novel design can enhance the output power by the reduction of generator …
Intermediate Rotor Disc Generator | Direct Drive Wind Turbine
Intermediate Rotor Disc Generator. Due to the short axial dimension and large diameter of disc generator, it is easy to make a multi-pole structure with high power and mass ratio, besides disc generator can be made thinner.
Gamle kraftværker bliver omdrejningspunkt i ny måde at gemme …
Et højteknologisk svinghjul er en avanceret energilagringsenhed, der bruger roterende masse til at lagre og afgive energi. Det fungerer ved at omdanne elektrisk energi til …
Rotary disk multi-phase freestanding-electret generator with …
As a power source, output power is the most significant for energy harvesters. For both TENGs and electret generators, increasing the charge density is the most effective way to enhance the output power, since the output power is quadratically related to the charge density [13], [14], [15].There are many methods proposed to improve the charge density, including …
Bærbart kraftværk Producent og leverandør | DFD Energi
500W bærbart kraftværk har en smukt designet bærbar energilagringsenhed med et håndtag. Ren sinusbølge udendørs nødsolkraftværksgenerator, bredt kompatibel med forskelligt udstyr. …
Design, Prototyping, and Analysis of a Novel Modular Permanent …
This paper presents the design, prototyping, and analysis of a novel modular transverse flux permanent magnet disk generator. The disk-shaped structure simplifies the construction procedure by using laminated steel sheets.
Disk generator II.III Disk generator | Download Scientific Diagram
Download scientific diagram | Disk generator II.III Disk generator from publication: Magnetohydrodynamic Power Generation | Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power generation process is basically based on ...
Hvordan kan fossile kraftværker indgå i fremtidens grønne …
Og den sidste teknologi er et højteknologisk svinghjul, der udgør en energilagringsenhed, som bruger roterende masse til at lagre og afgive energi. Det fungerer …
Fossile kraftværker genoplives i fremtidens grønne energisystem
Et højteknologisk svinghjul er en avanceret energilagringsenhed, der bruger roterende masse til at lagre og afgive energi. Det fungerer ved at omdanne elektrisk energi til kinetisk energi og …
Kondicykel som strømgenerator: Sådan omdanner du …
Energilagringsenhed: Den genererede elektricitet kan lagres i batterier eller superkondensatorer for senere brug. Dette er specielt nyttigt, hvis du har overskydende energi, som ikke straks …
Wave Disk Generator Could Revolutionize Engines
Researchers at Michigan State University have been awarded $2.5 million from the Department of Energy''s ARPA-E program for their research and development of the wave disk generator, a new engine that could drastically change fuel and engine efficiency.
A Liquid Metal Alternate MHD Disk Generator
In this paper, an electrical generator is presented for the exploitation of alternating energy. Some renewable sources are directly available in such forms, such as the wave power obtainable from the sea, but most of them can be converted to alternative forms; therefore, the proposed generator can be applied to different kinds of renewable sources. In …
A Novel Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Disk Wind Power
This paper presents a novel transverse flux permanent magnet disk generator (TFPMDG) for wind power generation. The main features of its structure are the modular H-shaped stator cores and two simple rotor disks. What is different from the structures introduced in the references is that each H-shaped stator core is formed by two T-shaped iron cores and a permanent magnet …